On 10th May 2019, Management Services Department, MPKj has organized a Ramadhan Bulan Ibadah Talk at Mini Theater Cempaka Telur, MPKj. The talk delivered by Ustaz Wan Mohd Noh bin Wan Hamat. There were 125 employee from various department attended the talk.

The speaker explained that we have to be serious to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan. Ramadhan it not only fasting (stomach) but also heart and mind. There were a lot of big events happened in Ramadhan such as Nuzul Al-Quran, Badar War and Lailatulqadar. We have to search the last 10 nights of Ramadhan (Lailatulqadar) and celebrate Syawal.

It is hoped that with the talk, participants could get input and hope that this Ramadhan is better than last Ramadhan.
