MPKj Women DIY Program (DIY Women Haircut) No. 4/2020 was held on 12th September 2020 (Saturday) at Balairaya Bukit Dukung (MPKK) Kajang. This program was organized by Community Development Unit with the collaboration of Pertubuhan Pimpinan Ekonomi Hawa Selangor (Women NGO) and MPKK Bukit Dukung.

MPKj Women DIY Program (DIY Women Haircut) Program No. 4/2020 was intended to attract interest to think positive as well as to learn new skills and to generate daily income.

Trainer and the committees are among the participants of the program. The activities that has been carried out are how to/technique of haircut and hair coloring using henna.

It is hoped that with the activities able to provide the new skills and to expand their talent.