DATE: 26 APRIL 2022 
TIME: 9.00 PAGI – 11.00 PAGI 

 Integrity is a synonymous word that we hear every day. The meaning of Integrity according to the third edition of Hall's Dictionary is honesty, being perfect and upright, having or showing commitment to something. In Islam, Integrity is very important, especially the integrity in work.

When we look at integrity from the religious perspective, especially in Islam. The main goal of Allah swt create human beings on this earth is to worship Him, in addition to being given the responsibility and trust to prosper this earth according to the guidelines that have been set. Every job we do is to obtain blessings and pleasure from Allah swt and is done according to the syara’. Therefore, we need to cultivate a sincere intention to get pleasure from Allah swt besides hoping that the work will be accepted as worship and righteous deeds. Every employee of MPKj also needs to be smart in planning and implementing an action, especially avoiding the waste. A culture of ethics and integrity is to form employees with strong moral and ethical characteristics and have intact religious and spiritual values ​​based on noble character.

Therefore, MPKj employees are advised to inculcate an attitude or value of integrity and dignity in each of them, which will at once be able to avoid the corruption.